Targeted Facebook Ads won’t be effective if you don’t invest in it. And this is not only about money but also about the choice of advertising and its creation. To be 100% confident in Facebook advertising, you need to be aware of a few important steps.
1st Step
Explore the target audience of your business. When setting up advertising on Facebook, you need to fill in 11 points (geography, gender, interests, birthday, education, demography, etc.), which will determine who sees the advertisement. Secret number 3. Properly calculate the advertising budget. Facebook is easy enough to spend money in one day. Your task is to stretch this budget for several months. Thus, this will not be a one-time advertising investment, but a systematically repeated advertising on Facebook.
2nd Step
Constantly monitor the results. It doesn’t matter where you posted the ad post. On your page or is it advertising in communities. Facebook is very serious about reporting. If you wish, you will receive the necessary information, which shows the effectiveness and profitability of advertising.
3rd Step
Don’t forget to make it attractive. It’s important not only how you set up the advertisement, but also what will be in it. The user receives a large flow of information in the tape and your task is to make your record as attractive as possible. Contextual advertising on Facebook, if it has a call to action. Otherwise, likely, your record will simply be ignored. Do not forget to attach pictures. They must be of high quality, stand out in color, or be incorporate colors and not contain more than 25% of the text (Facebook does not like a lot of text in pictures). Provided that the advertising is properly designed and configured, you get a qualitative and quantitative increase in the client base. And as a result – an increase in sales.
4th Step
Create specific ads for a narrow circle of users. Advertising in a group with similar topics will attract many interested users. It’s a big mistake for companies to create generic ads. Thus, they pay for the show to people who are absolutely not interested in. Facebook offers several options for setting ads that will allow you to work for your target audience.